
2012年9月10日 星期一

[世界風情] 38個世界秘境




1. 瑞士依本立Ebenalp, Switzerland


2. 瑞士 盧德本納山谷Lauterbrunnen Valley

               ( Switzerland )


3. 瑞士圖恩湖Thunersee, Switzerland

4. 札金索斯島 希臘 愛奧尼亞群島

  Blue Caves – Zakynthos Island , Greece

5. 克羅地亞- 十六湖國家公園

    Plitvice LakesPlitvice Lakes – Croatia

6. 里歐馬喬雷 義大利 Riomaggiore, Italy

7. 聖壇岩 挪威 Preachers Rock,

                      Preikestolen , Norway

8. 斯卡夫塔費德 冰島Skaftafeli – Iceland

9. 奧地利 薩爾斯堡

   The Dark Gorge, Salzburg , Austria

10. 格陵蘭 冰谷 Ice Canyon – Greenland

11. 冰島 塞爾福斯瀑布

       Seljalandsfoss Waterfall

    on the South Coast of Iceland

12. 科托小鎮 蒙特內哥羅

     The town of Kotor in Montenegro

13. 奧赫里湖(Lake Ohrid)


       Church of St. John (Sveti Jovan)

    at Kaneo beach overlooking Lake Ohrid ,


14. 路卡 義大利 Lucca – Italy

15. 法國:白朗峰

      Chamonix Mont-Blanc : France

16. 冰島古佛斯瀑布 Gulfoss in Iceland

17. 加拿大 夢蓮湖

      Moraine Lake , Alberta , Canada

18. 加拿大 紐芬蘭

      Berry Head, Avalon Peninsula ,

          Newfoundland , Canada

19. 卡皮蘭諾吊橋 溫哥華 加拿大

      Capilano Suspension Bridge ,

         Vancouver , British Columbia

20. 十峰山谷 加拿大

      Valley of the Ten Peaks, Moraine Lake ,

         Alberta , Canada

21. 智利 米洛頓洞穴

      Marble Caves , Chile Chico , Chile



22. 墨西哥天坑Ik-Kil Cenote, Mexico


23. 墨西哥 瓜達拉哈拉

      Verde River, Guadalajara , Mexico

24. 巴西 藍湖洞

    This is the Gruta do Lago Azul

      ( Blue Lake Cave ).
    This cave is located in the city of

     Bonito("Beautiful") state of

    Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil . 


25. 鯨魚谷,埃及

     Wadi Hitan Whale Valley Egypt

26. 日本京都的嵐山竹子步道

        Bamboo Forest – Japan

27. 美國 錫安國家公園

      Sandstone Cliffs in Zion

         national park – Utah

28. 越南 韓松洞

      Hang Ken Cave , Vietnam

29. 中國 三遊洞 放翁酒家

      Restaurant near Sanyou Cave

        above the Chang Jiang river,

           Hubei , China

30. 中國山西省 綿山的臥龍賓館 

31. 中國 元陽梯田

      Yuanyang Rice Fields , China

32. 中國的黃山(應該是七海大峽谷)

      Hanging Cliff Path, China

33.華山北峰 雪齋

34. 約旦 佩特拉古城 Petra – Jordan

35. 土耳其 卡帕多西亞

         Cappadocia Turkey

36. 羚羊峽谷 美國

      Antelope Canyon , USA

37. 史特托小丘 美國

      Steptoe Butte , USA

38.馬蹄灣 美國 Horseshoe bend, USA









Use a (clean) dustpan to fill a container that doesn't fit in the sink(注水的技巧)


 Place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on,

and keep paint off the side of the can(沾油漆時不弄髒油漆罐)


Use a staple remover to save your fingernails when trying to add things to your key ring!


Put wooden spoon across boiling pot of water to keep from boiling over. 


Use bread clips to save flip-flops with split holes. 


How to put shoes in the dryer 



Use sunglasses or a small convex mirror to avoid people sneaking

up on you while wearing headphones at work .


How to keep the straw from rising out of your soda can


Use a microfiber cloth to prevent frost from forming on the windshield. 


Use a Comb to Keep a Nail Steady for Hammering 


Use a post it note to catch drilling debris. 



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